Welcoming this Golden Dragon year, I wished the world have a peace of mind without riots, natural disaster and also to all my friends a Happy Dragon 2012 ahead.
Here are some Links which I came across during My Breaks in this Long Holiday (even though as a married woman everything seems so different). For people out there who are planning to have a make over in your own personal finances, do check this out.
1> 5 reason you need a personal budget of your own finances. I believe most people out there doesnt plan your own budget. This quoted frm Yahoo News, which I found it interesting might give you n you reason why you need personal budget.
Yahoo News (5 reasons you need a budget.)
2> Another one is 50 ways to improve your finances in 2012. Now is still early to plan ahead for yourown 2012. Have a Make over not only in terms of your own appearance and also your own finances.
50 ways to improve your finances in 2012
3> The last one is applicable to both Married and also dating couples. These are some mistakes whereby couples often make in terms of finances.
Biggest $$$ mistake couple Make
Hopefully everyone in anywhere are healthly and able to make their financial goal come true. ;>
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