Thinking of what I have done in this year 2011 besides status changes, frm Miss to Mrs or Mdm. And the rest seems to be the same. Although some of you might think that since I am married, I do not need to earn alot as this is the role of a man isnt it? But to me I still think that Woman still need to be somehow finanical independent too.
An article which I found from Srait Times in year 2006, although it might be quite sometimes but however I think is still important to know. The reason why women need to take control of their own finances is as the reason below;
1> Women have longer Life Expectancy than Men.
2> Women have shorter career. As women mostly after married will work part time so they can take time off for Family needs.

3> Women earns lesser than Men, as we have shorter career span, therefore just before retirement an average men will have ard 1.7 times more $$$ in their CPF as compare to Women.
4> Divorce rate is getting higher each year. And the living standard for a man after divorce goes up while the women goes down.

So common all Ladies and women, regardless married or Single now, pls take Note that we should have our OWN insurance policies including Hospitalisation medical needs, build our own nest of Eggs above any joint savings or investment which have with our husband. Save as much money as you can while still single. And also buy your marital home in JOINT Tenancy so to ensure the property automatically goes to the surviving spouse in the event of Death.
Above all is what I wanna share. Hopefully the information is useful to you. ;> If you do not know how to proceed on, engage your consultant now or you can drop me an email. And I can share with you my 2 cents worth.