Monday, December 05, 2011

Statistic of Hospitalisation and Death Causes.

Maybe alot of people out there might not know about the importance of Hospitalisation Plan. Which is to cater coverage against the costs of Hospitalisation and Surgical Costs.

Do you know what are the top 5 conditions for People to admit to Hospital In Singapore?

1> Accident, Poisioning and Violence
2> Cancer
3> Ischaemic Heart Disease
4> Obstetric Complications affecting Fetus or Newborn
5> Pneumonia

You can say that you wont fall sick and be healthly but you can see the top 1 condition admitted to Hospital is due to Accidental. And you cant prevent accident isnt it?

Next is the top 5 conditions for Deaths occurs among Singaporean.

1> Cancer
2> Ischaemic Heart Disease
3> Pneumonia
4> Cerebrovascular Disease (including stroke)
5> Accidents, Poisoning & Violence

To my surprise, there is a huge increase of people dying of Pneumonia (which is the condition I share earlier in my Previous Entry) Of cos not alot of people died of Accident which is a lucky thing. But however the person still need to pay for his/her hospitalisation Bills.

The link below are the average inpatient bills for Public Hospital and Private Hospital

Public Hospital Medical Specialist

Public Hospital Surgical Specialist

Private Medical Specialist

Priavte Surgical Specialist

Hopefully everyone whom read my blog would then realise the importance of getting yourself cover under 100%. So you need not to pay for the huge amount of Hospitalisation Bills.

I would share more on the types of Medishield Plan Comparision On my next Posts. Do check it out. ;P

1 comment:

  1. Nice info ! hate the fact that violence is among the top ! :x
